Vinarium Festival: Pre-festival events and culinary street (25 – 27 August 2016)
The events before the Vinarium Festival, which starts on 25 August 2016, will gradually create and uplift the festival spirit. During this pre-festival period our streets will turn into a venue of musical events enriched by entertainment and cultural programmes of domestic and foreign cultural societies. On this occasion music will be heard on our streets for the first time this year. Besides good music our town will also have delicious traditional food (bograč, perec, langaš, dödöli, fish from Hotiza) and excellent local wine to offer.
Cultural Programme
25 August:
HKD Pomurje Lendava, tamburitza players
KD Hotiza, Slovenian folk musicians
26 August:
KUD MURA Mursko Središče, tamburitza players
KD ZARJA Gaberje, Slovenian folk singers and Gaberski mantraši, musicians
The Culinary Street (on Mlinska Street) will be open from 25 August to 27 August 2016.